Buy one culture or bundle and get the same FREE! **

**Limited to cultures only. Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.

What’s Your Flavor?

Sourdough Cultures

Mesophilic Cultures

Thermophilic Cultures

Kombucha, Jun, & Vinegars

Our Promise To You

At Positively Probiotic, we are committed to sourcing and using only the finest organic ingredients available to nourish our cultures. Our dedication to quality ensures that every culture we create is made with the utmost care and attention to detail.

More Variety

We take pride in offering an extensive selection of probiotic cultures. Our commitment to sourcing new and top-quality cultures sets us apart. If there's a specific culture you seek and we don't carry it yet, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your satisfaction drives our constant quest to expand our range.

Don’t Settle

Probiotics by the billions are essential for your body to maintain optimal functioning. Ensuring a healthy gut environment empowers your overall well-being, and embracing whole food probiotics over artificial imitations is crucial for sustained health benefits. Trust your gut, and choose natural probiotic sources to support a thriving microbial ecosystem within.