Ask Allie!

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Ask Allie is our advice column, where you can ask all your food-related questions to get digestible answers! No question is off limits!

Most of you will receive an emailed reply prior to your question hitting the blog, since I frequently think you need a more immediate answer. You should anticipate 1-2 weeks between submitting your question and its appearance on blog. Although emailed replies normally take between 1-3 days, it can take up to a week.

To have your question answered in Ask Allie posts, please use the form on our website. If you prefer to be anonymous, just say so in the form and we’ll leave your name out when we answer it in the blog! Note that some submissions may be edited for clarity.

For troubleshooting active issues with a culture you’re working with, please check the FAQs or write us at - you’ll get your answer faster that way! Please also take advantage of our Facebook group for troubleshooting, conversation, and getting to know more members of our community!

I have read over the instructions for my Viila yogurt starter but didn't see any information on storage in between batches. Can I assume it's refrigerated?

— Barbara

Yes, definitely refrigerate all dairy products once they’re done fermenting. Make sure you also save two samples of your fully activated yogurt in the freezer as backups!

My yogurt - both Bollnasfil and Halsofil - taste bitter. Had to spit it out when I tried it. They smell fine, but the taste is unbearable. this is my second batch of yogurt. The first batch I made it in mason jars with coffee filter coverings (1/2 of the starter packets with 1/2 cup of pasteurised milk) for 48 hours. For the second batch, I used 2 tablespoons of yogurt and 2 cups of pasteurised milk in fido jars for 15-16 hours. The second batch tasted milder and looked creamier. Should I use less starter and/or ferment for a shorter period? I don’t have a thermometre, but I keep the yogurt in the garage which is dark and cooler than the rest of the house. I think the temperature is between 20-25 degrees Celcius.

— Lisa

No, it sounds like what you’re doing is perfect and the yogurt is just getting used to its new home! This can take longer in the winter, but it sounds like your yogurt is trucking along well!

Do not know how I got instructions to put 1/2,cup of milk to frozen starter packages and swirl around. I git Icelandic Skyr. But after 48 hours the starter culture has solidified . I put in fridge for six hours. Now what do I do?

— Sandra

Save 2 samples (1-2T each) of the batch you’ve got in the freezer as backups. Reculture your next batch from the prior batch, and then enjoy the rest of that first batch!

Allie Faden

Allie is, at heart, a generalist. Formally trained in Western herbalism, 18th-Century Irish Studies, Mathematics, and Cooking, there just isn’t much out there she isn’t seeking to learn about!

Dry Beans, Part 2: What do I MAKE With These?


Roasted Tomato Sauce