Sourdough Starter

Activating the Culture: Sourdough

Helpful Things to Know Before You Start

  1. All measurements are by weight. I will include at the bottom a sort of by volume measurement. Just keep it in your mind that volumetric measurements are not as reliable as weight, so your results may be quite inconsistent. That’s not to say you won’t have great results, because you probably will! Why are we harping on this weight business? To put it simply, it’s because you’ve added more and new variables to your baking experience. Ambient humidity, compression of flour (sift to avoid that one), the absorption capabilities of this or that flour (some really are thirstier than others!), the actual fineness of the flour, so on. Beyond that, though, water and flours differ in density, so the flours won’t have the same volume to weight ratio as water does. For example: Our favorite brand of all purpose flour is approximately 146 grams per cup. Water is approximately 236 grams per cup (pro-tip: with water, the volume in mL is equal to the weight in grams). That’s a big difference especially when you want a 1:1:1 ratio by weight. A scale can be purchased rather cheaply, and we encourage you to do so.

  2. How To Measure the Amount of Starter You Currently have: Take the weight of the jar and starter then subtract the weight of the jar. That amount is what you have in starter.

  3. Gluten-Free starters are activated the same way, but generally will not have the same “pancake consistency” you get with glutinous grains (sometimes it will be same or runnier but usually it will be paste). They also tend to not double in volume after a feed. Don’t get discouraged by these two differences, as they have nothing to do with the performance of the starter.

  4. You should be at the very least feeding your starter every 24 hours.

  5. The float test is a myth. Enough said.

Take It One Day At A Time

Day One

  1. Combine the sourdough culture with 40g of room temperature water and let sit for a minute. Stir again.

    You may need to add a little extra water for the activation batch. The consistency you are looking for is a thick pancake batter.

  2. Add 30g of flour and mix until thoroughly incorporated.

  3. Cover the jar with coffee filter and secure it with a rubber band or loose lid.

  4. Leave to ferment in a warm spot for 24 hours.

By volume: 1/4 cup water & 1/4 cup flour. We understand that volume may be incorrect depending on the flour being used. You may need to add more or use less water. The consistency you are looking for is a thick, pancake-like batter.

Day 2

After 24 hours, simply give the mixture a gentle stir and then leave it undisturbed for another 24 hours. This extended period enables the culture to further activate as it consumes the nutrients provided without overwhelming them with new flour.

Day 3

This will be your first feeding.

  1. On day 3 you are going to add 30g of room temperature water and stir.

  2. Add 30g of flour and stir again.

  3. Cover and let ferment in a warm spot for 24 hours.

    By volume: 1/4 cup flour & 1/4 cup water (Again, think thick pancake batter.)

Day 4

This will be your second feeding and first discard.

By day 4 you should be seeing some activity in the form of bubbles. If not, that’s OK just keep going. DO NOT THROW OUT THE SOURDOUGH STARTER.

  1. Remove all starter in the jar until you have 30g of starter remaining.

  2. Feed the remaining 30g of starter 30g of water of room temp water and stir.

  3. Add 30g of flour and stir to incorporate.

  4. Cover and let ferment in a warm spot for 24 hours.

By volume: 1/4 cup starter, 1/4 cup water, & 1/4 cup flour. (Broken record. Thick pancake batter.)

Day 5+

Day 5 and beyond will continue with the established routine from day 4. Feed the starter daily until you see signs of fermentation. It’s time to begin baking your first loaf when the starter has doubled in size. Usually, sourdough will display signs of life by day 7 of the fermentation process. However, if you do not observe any activity by this point, there's no need to worry. Simply continue feedings and trust in the natural process of fermentation. Remember, patience is key when working with sourdough starters.

It’s essential to discard most of the mixture and then feed it an equivalent weight of starter and flour. This process of discarding is crucial during the activation phase, as it helps manage the overall volume and prevents unnecessary waste.

Where to go from here

Your starter has hit its stride, and now you're ready for the next steps in your baking journey. At this juncture, you have a couple of options to consider: you can continue with the traditional discard method or transition to alternative feedings. Alternative feedings are when you feed a ratio other than 1:1:1. This can be anywhere from 1:2:2, 1:5:5, and so on.

Personally, I recommend the scraping method, as it eliminates any waste. To employ this technique, simply remove everything from the jar aside from what remains stuck to the jar's sides. Next, provide this ‘residue’ with exactly what your sourdough bread recipe calls for in starter . This approach allows you to accurately weigh the amount needed for your baking while only retaining what clings to the jar.

Should you need a break from baking, feel free to securely cover the jar with a tight-fitting lid and refrigerate it. However, if you choose this option, ensure that you are feeding your starter at least once a week. A critical point to remember: do not store your starter in the fridge until it has matured for a minimum of one month. This will ensure that it is robust and well established.