Ask Allie!

Ask Allie is our advice column, where you can ask all your food-related questions to get digestible answers! No question is off limits!

To have your question answered in Ask Allie posts, please use the form on our website. If you prefer to be anonymous, just say so in the form and we’ll leave your name out when we answer it in the blog! Note that some submissions may be edited for clarity.

We just purchased your Einkorn Sourdough starter thru your site on Amazon and are really excited to begin baking. I am wondering if you know how our Einkorn flour starter will effect any breads made with gluten free flour when adding the Einkorn starter... Will it just be mostly GF? Thank you.

— S. B.

Well, whether it would be mostly GF is determined by the ratio of GF flours:einkorn. Einkorn definitely has gluten, so if you have a sensitivity to gluten, I would keep the percentage of starter to flour fairly low. Be aware, also, that we have GF starters, so if you want a purely GF loaf, you can do that. I’m not sure if our GF starters are on our Amazon or just on our website (which is also where your activation instructions will be), but we have several kinds. The teff is my favorite; I use it all the time in wheat breads and love the flavor it imparts!

Does your Coconut Gluten Free Sourdough Starter Culture Bread Yeast come with full instructions? And can you continue this with coconut flour?
Thank You.

— Margaret

All of our cultures have instructions for activation on the website. We do not ship our products with printed instructions so as to reduce waste and harm to the environment. Yes, the coconut starter is designed to be made and used exclusively with coconut flour, but you may use any flour with any starter if desired.

What are the best cultures and practices for making drinking yogurts?

— Holly

I tend to think all of our drinking yogurts are good, but the amasi is what gets used the most in my house. The halso is fairly sweet, so that’s your best bet for a sweeter drinking yogurt. In general, I am a firm believer in giving a culture some time before you mess with it, because sometimes they just want to be left alone to culture. Otherwise, keep a room temp of under 78F, and don’t put crazy amounts of starter in your milk.

Allie Faden

Allie is, at heart, a generalist. Formally trained in Western herbalism, 18th-Century Irish Studies, Mathematics, and Cooking, there just isn’t much out there she isn’t seeking to learn about!

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