Ask Allie!

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Ask Allie is our advice column, where you can ask all your food-related questions to get digestible answers! No question is off limits!

To have your question answered in Ask Allie posts, please use the form on our website. If you prefer to be anonymous, just say so in the form and we’ll leave your name out when we answer it in the blog! Note that some submissions may be edited for clarity.

What exactly is "UHT milk"?

— Wade

Ultra-high temperature pasteurized. It’s heated to a high enough minimum temperature to denature the proteins in the milk.

One more quick question... Sabrina gave me a conversion to brew a gallon of Jun. But no honey measurements. Using 8 teabags and 1g h20 and 2c starter and the pellicle... how much honey?

— Gina

If you don’t want it really sweet, you can do 3/4 cup of honey. If you want it normal, 1 cup. I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

I saw this vegan coconut cultures that you have. How about vegan but using non-dairy milk like almond, soya, rice, oats? Those are some of the popular non-dairy milk here in our country.

— Annlyn

I am pretty sure I told Annlyn that she needs to use coconut cream for this, but it turns out that as long as you maintain a coconut mother culture, you can use this with other vegan milks without stabilizers! Exciting new information!!!

Allie Faden

Allie is, at heart, a generalist. Formally trained in Western herbalism, 18th-Century Irish Studies, Mathematics, and Cooking, there just isn’t much out there she isn’t seeking to learn about!

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