Blackberry and Apple Crumble


Child Tester wanted another pie, and I wanted to not make dough or watch her make dough. I asked if we could do a crumble instead, since we had a couple of large packages of blackberries in the freezer after no one ate them while fresh. She thought this was a spectacular idea, and asked if she could make it and just have me do the oven. SURE CAN!! I was allowed, in the end, to help a bit, and this seems to be where things went awry for her. Mostly because I put too much mace in the filling, whereas she would’ve preferred barely a sprinkle. She deemed the oat topping exceptional and said we should try it again one day soon, but without the mace.

As appears to be my new normal, we’re mostly doing pictures and captions for the steps!

Here’s what you’ll need.


24 ounces blackberries (fresh or frozen)

1 large apple, cored and cut into cubes

1/4 teaspoon mace or nutmeg

2 tablespoons corn starch

3 tablespoons brown sugar

pinch salt


1 cup rolled oats (use more if you want better coverage up top)

2 tablespoon all purpose flour

pinch salt

1/3 cup brown sugar

1/4-1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

3 tablespoons softened butter

Here’s what you’ll do

Preheat oven to 375F/190C/GM5. While that’s going on, grab an 8x8” pan, a pie dish, or whatever else you’ve got that’s roughly that size.

Fruit in the pan! You can mix yours up better, if you’d like.

Fruit in the pan! You can mix yours up better, if you’d like.

Other stuff added! Technically, you should stir this up. We didn’t really feel like it, so we didn’t do it.

Other stuff added! Technically, you should stir this up. We didn’t really feel like it, so we didn’t do it.

Not sure what that stuffed fox is doing at the table, but I am guessing moral support? Either way, mix up all the ingredients in your topping. I prefer to do the dry first and then add the wet, but you do what works for you! There’s no right or wron…

Not sure what that stuffed fox is doing at the table, but I am guessing moral support? Either way, mix up all the ingredients in your topping. I prefer to do the dry first and then add the wet, but you do what works for you! There’s no right or wrong here: there is only yum on the way!

She has such tiny hands.

Gets a little messier here! Once you’ve mixed up all the topping, time to layer it onto the fruits and such!

Gets a little messier here! Once you’ve mixed up all the topping, time to layer it onto the fruits and such!

As such. If you want better or thicker coverage, make a bit extra. Also, I forgot to have her butter the pan. It didn’t stick, so I guess that’s fine.

As such. If you want better or thicker coverage, make a bit extra. Also, I forgot to have her butter the pan. It didn’t stick, so I guess that’s fine.

Once that bad boy’s been covered, plunk it in the oven and come back in 45 to an hour!Unless you like lava mouth, please let it cool for at least 10 minutes before you get into it. After that? Enjoy the happiness!!

Once that bad boy’s been covered, plunk it in the oven and come back in 45 to an hour!

Unless you like lava mouth, please let it cool for at least 10 minutes before you get into it. After that? Enjoy the happiness!!

Allie Faden

Allie is, at heart, a generalist. Formally trained in Western herbalism, 18th-Century Irish Studies, Mathematics, and Cooking, there just isn’t much out there she isn’t seeking to learn about!

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