Ask Allie!

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Ask Allie is our advice column, where you can ask all your food-related questions to get digestible answers! No question is off limits!

To have your question answered in Ask Allie posts, please use the form on our website. If you prefer to be anonymous, just say so in the form and we’ll leave your name out when we answer it in the blog! Note that some submissions may be edited for clarity.

Are your cultures powder or dried yogurt or fresh yogurt starter?

— Anna

Great question, Anna! They are all dried. You will find that the sour cream, vegan coconut yogurt, and cream top do not come fully dried, because that’s just how they roll. Cream is harder to get a proper dry from without using freeze drying technology, and we do regular dehydration.

Hi Allie,
Is it bad to use metal utensils, such as a metal whisk?

— Fred

I always do it, and always have, so I’m gonna go no one this. The one exception is using metal strainers for kefir grains (either type). It can tear them when they’re being strained, so while a person can still use them (and many do), mesh strainers or strainer bags (also cloth) are the ideal.

I have your thermophilic mild Greek yogurt culture. I've activated that and will be using 1/4 C. to culture one quart of milk. For future culturing, would 1/2 C. or a 1/4 C. be best from a previous batch to culture a 1/2 gallon of milk? Thanks in advance!

— Julie

Half cup, unless you’re doing a longer fermentation period than is standard. Don’t go over ½ gallon without using 2 different containers, because they get fussy about it.

Allie Faden

Allie is, at heart, a generalist. Formally trained in Western herbalism, 18th-Century Irish Studies, Mathematics, and Cooking, there just isn’t much out there she isn’t seeking to learn about!

Thermophilic: How to fix thin yogurt?

