BH's Dutch Baby AKA American Pfannkuchen!

I’m not wholly certain you can see that this isn’t level, but it’s not level.

I’m not wholly certain you can see that this isn’t level, but it’s not level.

I learned about these when a young man in my life, BH, made one for me some 25-ish years ago. He also very kindly gave me his (his mother’s? I liked her a lot) recipe, and I’m sharing it with y’all today. I didn’t ask for permission because we lost touch long ago, but I assume he will see that I have given him credit if he stumbles upon this post at some point. I used runny activation batch yogurt for this (best version I’ve ever had, though I don’t remember which yogurt it was), I normally use milk or buttermilk for this.

BH’s recipe is super simple, and has carried me through a lot of hard times. I eat this when I’m happy, when I’m sad, when the kid wants one, and generally when I want low effort pancakes. Especially pancakes with lemon and sugar instead of the usual fare. I do generally have some modifications I like to make to this, and I will note those in the ingredients list. Anyway, this is full of yum and I hope y’all like it!

Note: You may use any oven-safe pan for this with fine results, but cast iron does best. I’ve checked this a bunch of times. This also really needs to go in a 10” pan. You can do it in an 8 or 12, but it’s just not as good. For sure put the pan in the oven while it’s heating, WITH the butter in there. That browned butter is yes in all the ways, and you’re denying your mouth a lot of happiness if you melt that butter post-preheating. You may also make the batter the night before, if you wish. Just give it a good stir or whisk in the morning, and maybe hold off on the baking powder until then as well (I never do hold off; I just always think I should).

Here’s what you’ll need

4 tablespoons butter

3 eggs

3/4 cup milk (or runny yogurt)

3/4 cup all-purpose flour

1/4 teaspoon each: salt (I bump this to around a teaspoon), vanilla (tablespoon all the way!)

1/2 teaspoon caradmom (my addition)

1/8 teaspoon mace (my addition)

lemon wedges

powdered sugar

Here’s what you do!

Put a 10” pan with the butter in it into the oven, then turn it on to 450F/220C/GM 7. Blend or whisk (I normally whisk, but sometimes blend) the eggs, then add the rest and blend/whisk until smooth. Normally I whisk, so I add the liquids and spices, then the flour.

When the oven is hot and the butter is all browned and happy, open that bad boy up and pour your batter in. Close (not slam) the oven door and wait 25 minutes. Cut into wedges (or not; I’m not judging), sprinkle with powdered sugar, and squeeze lemon on before nomming!

Allie Faden

Allie is, at heart, a generalist. Formally trained in Western herbalism, 18th-Century Irish Studies, Mathematics, and Cooking, there just isn’t much out there she isn’t seeking to learn about!

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