
You can use other sausages for this, and of course you may prefer different hotdog toppings than I do! Maybe you are a ketchup on hotdogs kind of person, in which case maybe you want ketchup for your sauce. Maybe you think the idea of banana peppers on your dogs is disgusting, but pickles are A-OK! Maybe you’re a chili and cheese dog eater, and you are looking at a whole new kind of hotdog pizza!

This is kind of a weird thing in sum, but I started making these a lot of years ago during undergrad when I was was trying to stretch out the one remaining hot dog in the house over a couple of meals. I used to do a lot of $10/week grocery challenges during that time, so stretching a single hotdog seemed an excellent undertaking! I thought about all the things I love about hot dogs: mustard, kraut, banana peppers, and onions! Then I decided to put them all on a pizza because I knew it'd feed me for two meals. It was either going to be really amazing, or really disgusting. It turned out far better than I thought it would, and it's super cheap to make, so I kept at it w/ these hotdog pizzas. I really enjoy how some of the mustard bakes into the crust while other parts of the mustard stay soft.

Either way, the manner in which you handle your pizza toppings and sauce really is going to vary based on how you like your pizza and how you like your hotdogs. I generally make these either where I use all my dough and double the toppings, or I make them smaller like below. Lots and lots of flexibility here. If you can’t handle making dough, just use a pre-made crust. No one but you is gonna know (and so what, if they do?), so it really doesn’t matter.

Here’s what you’ll need (your toppings may vary, but quantities should be roughly same)

1/2 batch of pizza dough
2 tablespoons stone ground mustard (or yellow, or…)
1-2 hot dogs, sliced
1/2 cup kraut
1 diced shallot or 1/4 onion
1/4 cup banana peppers
sprinkle celery salt

Here’s what you’ll do

Preheat the oven to 450F/230C/GM8. Press/roll out your dough, then spread with the mustard. Top with hot dog slices, kraut, banana peppers and shallot. Sprinkle celery salt on top. Bake 5 minutes, then turn 180 degrees and bake another 5 minutes. Let rest 5-10 minutes before cutting. Serves 2-4.

Allie Faden

Allie is, at heart, a generalist. Formally trained in Western herbalism, 18th-Century Irish Studies, Mathematics, and Cooking, there just isn’t much out there she isn’t seeking to learn about! 


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Thermophilic: How to fix thin yogurt?