
I love those little bottles of Italian Gardeniera mix. Love them. They're delicious, but oh-so-expensive if you don’t want to buy the gallon jars! These are fast, easy, and a great way to use up produce you’re not so sure about anymore. I’m all about getting the most out of my veg! This is also a really great way to get started pickling, if you’re interested but intimidated by the idea of canning.

Note (you can see it in the picture) that I used purple cauliflower here, and that means that my brine will take on that color. So if you do some weird stuff like I did, you should expect that the finished product will look different than what you see in the grocery store looks.

3 quarts (12 cups) of mixed vegetables (I used the purple cauliflower, 3 carrots, a cup or two of celery sliced into 2" lengths, 2 green bell peppers in chunks, half a bulb of fennel/anise sliced thinly, and 10 cloves of garlic)
1 cup large sprigs of dill
4 1/2 cups vinegar (I used an equal mix of cider, white distilled and white wine, but you use what you like)
3 1/4 cups water
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon salt*
1 tablespoon bay leaves (I used all the crushed ones at the bottom of the jar)
1 teaspoon each: fennel seed, coriander seed
2 teaspoons black peppercorns
2 dried chile arbol (1 per jar) (optional)

I use 1 1/2-litre jars so I only have to find space for 2 jars in the fridge, but you use whatever kind of jars you have or prefer. Pack an equal amount of dill into each jar, then equal amounts of veggies and chiles. I always put the chiles on the bottom, but if you’re adding fresh ones I’d mix them into the other veg. Bring the vinegar, water, salt, sugar and spices to a boil, then simmer for 2-3 minutes. Pour the mixture into the jars, seal jars (not w/ a water bath, though if you are using canning jars, you can can them normally) and let come to room temperature. Once it’s cooled down, refrigerate. Leave them in the fridge without eating for a couple hours up to a few days and then let the fun begin!

*Originally, I had about 3 cups less liquid I was using, so I probably should've increased the salt when I boiled more vinegar/water, but I forgot. If you're worried about it, double the salt. I'm not really sweatin' it, because I know they're going to be living in the fridge, and I also know they're not going to be around long, because I am HONGREE!! (and silly)

Allie Faden

Allie is, at heart, a generalist. Formally trained in Western herbalism, 18th-Century Irish Studies, Mathematics, and Cooking, there just isn’t much out there she isn’t seeking to learn about! 


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