Thermophilic: How to fix thin yogurt?


How to fix thin yogurt:

Thermophilic Cultures


In our last post we discussed ways to thicken mesophilic yogurt. As promised here is our thermophilic yogurt troubleshooting guide with some tips and tricks to getting thick and creamy yogurt every time.

Now, thermophilic yogurt is cultured at a higher temperature than its mesophilic counterpart. The range is between 90-11 degrees Fahrenheit. This heat needs to be consistent and the use of a yogurt maker or similar appliance is required. There are ways you can ferment these types of yogurt without a designated yogurt appliance, which we will get into later. For now lets take a look at some reasons why yogurt can end up thin and what you can do about it.

  • The milk was not heated high enough. You need to get the milk to 180 degreed Fahrenheit to denature the proteins in the milk. The slower you heat the milk the better. Fast heating of the milk will cause a grainy texture.

  • The milk was not held at 180 degrees long enough. The longer you hold milk at that temperature the thicker your end result. Try to keep the milk at 180 for at least 30 minutes.

  • The yogurt maker (or alternative method) is not maintaining the correct temperature. Too cool and the yogurt will not ferment properly and too hot the yogurt will ferment very fast, will not develop enough flavor, and you risk losing your culture to the excessive heat.

  • Incorrect ratio of yogurt starter to milk. Too little and it will not ferment. Too much and the yogurt will ferment too fast with no flavor.

  • Not culturing long enough. For me, five hours is my sweet spot.

For me, I find that thermophilic yogurts rarely need thickening if cultured properly. If you are so inclined here are some tips to thicken up that yogurt.

  • Increase the fat content by adding a bit of 1/2 & 1/2 or heavy cream to the milk.

  • Use whole fat milk.

  • Heat the milk to 180 degrees and keep that temperature longer that the specified 30 minutes. The longer you hold the milk the firmer the resulting yogurt.

  • Adding thickeners like pectin, unflavored gelatin, or powdered milk.

  • Strain additional whey to the desired consistency.

You don't have to settle for thin and inconsistent yogurt. Follow these tips and be amazed to find how simple it really is make your own yogurt at home with simple ingredients. Leave a comment below with any tips you may have to thicken up runny yogurt.




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